Opened in 2019 the venue has supported over 150 performing artists and has brought an exciting and varied programme of arts, culture and heritage events to Newton Stewart.
Visit the Official Website
The charity's social enterprise project brings in vital income as well as offering a dedicated venue and performance area for what is now a year-round programme of events.
Visit Official Website
The Vault Arts Centre is an exciting new music, arts, culture and heritage venue run by the Trad Music Trust charity to support the puposes of the organisation and the annual Newton Stewart & Minnigaff Traditional Music & Dance Festival as well as providing vital office space for the organisation and festival teams.
The Vault Arts CentreNewton Stewart, Scotland
Join like-minded young people for the fortnightly Warhammer and games night at The Vault Arts Centre, open to anyone aged 12-25.
6:00pm - 9:00pm FREE EVENT
Machars and Cree Valley Climate Action Network's very first Climate Cafe! Topics include Green Waste and a Waste Not Want Not Lucky Dip. Nettle and wild garlic soup, followed by cake. Free event but booking required.
Doors: 6:30pm FREE EVENT
Pop along to share and swap your home-made preserves, baking, excess home-grown fruit/vegetables, plants, seeds, eggs, plant pots etc.
Doors: 10:00am FREE EVENT
Musicians of all ages and ability are very welcome or, if you prefer, just come along and enjoy the music and atmosphere. Free entry!
Doors: 7:00pm FREE EVENT
Join all-Ireland fiddle and whistle champion Claire Mann and the fiddle group for the improving beginners/intermediate fiddle workshops.
Doors: 7:00pm Tickets: £20.00
Meet like-minded young people and learn to play guitar, bass, piano/keyboard or drums using the professional facilities and musical instruments at The Vault Arts Centre. Guitar tuition available during each session. Open to anyone aged 12-18 living in Dumfries & Galloway.
3:30pm - 6:30pm FREE EVENT
The Vault Arts Centre is situated in the heart of Newton Stewart, on the town's busy Victoria Street, between Boots Chemist and the Avocet shop.
Whilst parking is available on Victoria Street, we encourage visitors to park at the Riverside Car Park on Riverside Road which is a short walking distance from the venue. We have private parking and ramp access to the building.
Newton Stewart & Minnigaff Traditional Music & Dance Festival will celebrate its 10th anniversary over 11th-13th July 2025. It's an incredible achievement. The charity has created a viable, sustainable, event that continues to grow and develop, proudly celebrating the very best in traditional Scottish, Irish and World music. Make sure you book early for what is shaping up to be the biggest event yet!